Neiman Marcus - LA
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Neiman Marcus Display

Los Angeles, 2003

Angelinos received a great treat.  Neiman Marcus store in Beverly Hills (9700 Wilshire Blvd.) has been transformed into a  "Lord of the Rings" themed storefront, designed by Dan and Chris Hennah of 3foot6.  There were 4 windows each with a different theme.

We have a review in this section by room... still working on it so it's still emptyish.  Most of the photos are in the main sections.

 Hobbiton - Bag end
Rivendell - Arwen's bedroom
Rohan camp
Gondor - the Stewart's hall
A review from opening night of the windows. (Continues pictures from all windows)

Thank to Yukailin, Serinde, Kaydee/Kathy S., Spiral Gardner, Primmy, Koski

But sadly they packed up bit early... so the final folks only saw...

Photos here and though out are differentiated by the sufex.

  • Yukailin -  YukNM
  • Serinde - SerNM
  • Kaydee - KayNM
  • Spiral Gardner - SpirNM
  • Primmy - Prim
  • Koski - Kosh
  • Cat - CatNM

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This page was last updated 04/22/08