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Hobbit Costume Descriptions

from The Hobbit book

The most lovable characters in Middle-earth are the relaxed and peace-loving  Hobbits.  Bilbo is one of the few brave enough to venture beyond the Shire borders.


A General Description of the Hobbits

  • Physical description
    • Hobbits have no beards.
    • They are inclined to be fat in the stomach
    • Have long clever brown fingers
    • Good-natured faces
  • They dress in bright colours (chiefly green and yellow)
  • They wear no shoes, because their feet grow natural leathery soles and thick warm brown hair like the stuff on their heads (which is curly)
  • Gandalf gave the Old Took a pair of magic diamond studs.  This implies rich hobbits with some shirts that have French Cuffs.


He commonly wears a hat, carries a pocket handkerchief, pocket money, and a walking stick 

Good Morning clothes

  • shirt
  • trousers
  • suspenders/braces but no waistcoat!
  • Pipe:  "an enormous long wooden pipe that reached nearly down to his woolly toes (neatly brushed)"

Morning After

 Only description is a "dressing gown"

Traveling Clothes

  • Bilbo borrows a dark-green weather-stained, hood and a dark-green cloak from Dwalin - "they were too large for him, and he looked rather comic."
  • Coat/jacket has pockets and brass buttons
  • Waistcoat with brass buttons
  • Trousers with belt
    • Tolkien drew 18th cent knee-length knickers and often favored green velvet shirt
  • Pocket Handkerchief
    • Gandalf brought him many handkerchiefs, and his pipe and tobacco
    • Bilbo ends up with Elrond's red silk hankie
  • The magic elven sword, Sting

Tolkien wrote in a letter, that he had mistakenly left out that at Elrond's, Bilbo was given some sturdy boots to wear for the remainder of the journey!


  • Bilbo wears an elven prince's small coat of maille made of silver-steel called Mithril with a belt of pearls & crystals
  • On his head head Bilbo wears a light helm of figured leather (strengthened beneath with hoops of steel) and studded about the brim with white gems.
  • Given a parting gift from Dain, of a necklace of silver & pearls which Bilbo gives to the Elf King in payment for his room & board.
  • Bilbo returns with 2 boxes of treasure from under the mountain: one gold & one silver, He shares the Troll’s treasure with Gandalf. Using it to buy back his things.


He has at least one pocket in which to keep his Precious,  the One Ring.

According to a letter by Tolkien, Gollum was never naked (or nearly naked), but wore dark clothes.


Page created by  Faye, Richard, Judy and the The Red Backed Book yahoo group

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This page was last updated 04/22/08