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Introduction to Future Folio Design Books

The designs submitted to the futuristic design contest are reviewed by a panel of judges.   Those that win are to be published in a Futuristic Fashion Folio.

The fashion folio director takes the designs and arranges them into a book.  Occasionally the drawing of a design may not be usable for a black and white line reproduction.  If the folio director has time, these may be redrawn or traced to present the design in clean line art.  Also because of space considerations, the description of a design may be edited down.

Different folios will be organized in different ways.  The most common will be by category.  Besides the design, the title, award and a short description of the outfit are included.

The Fashion Folio book is distributed to all the winning designers and members of that Costume Con. (A supporting membership will include this in its "publications" packet.)  These books often become collectors items.

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This page last updated 01/18/08