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Here are just a few of my favorite costumes.  Articles related to construction will be added later.  If you've got any questions, feel free to ask.

Easy, but glitzy (with much jewelry)

The Teer-a-Too Ambassador

(Fairly simple, based off an easy designer pattern and lots of beads.  Breaks some basic rules by successfully combining velvet, tissue lame and cotton print.)

AmbasadorTeerAToo250.jpg (19439 bytes)

The Techo Mage

(Very simple style, just weird holographic fabric, jewelry, chain and some killer antique crystals.)

TecoMage200.jpg (28595 bytes)

TecoMageCU.jpg (83582 bytes)

Intense Recreations


The Snow Queen

A recreation from the Lenox (r) Legendary Princess figurine of 'The Snow Queen'. Proves I can be insane recreating details down to the hair... and beyond. 

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SnowQueen1w.jpg (175424 bytes)

Exact down to the lacy points,  hand beading and 3-D effects.  However, anything under 1/2 inch was embellished further.
bulletBreak down of how the Lenox Snow Queen was built.
bulletOther examples of Snow Queen Costumes
SnowQueenCUw.jpg (51538 bytes)

Arnold 1901 Presentation Dress 

Full recreation of a dress from 100 years ago... down to much of the dress being hand sewn. From Janet Arnold's book "Patterns of Fashion".

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Reason for all this detail?  It was my sister's wedding dress!


1901sit300.jpg (41213 bytes)
Check out the ribbon work detail here.  Hand sewing is the only way to get this 3-D texture. JJDressbk.jpg (27687 bytes)
What my sister had to wear under the dress to get the right shape -- chemise, bloomer, straight front corset, two petticoats and (not shown) a corset cover. undervamp200.jpg (29395 bytes)

Last updated 07/27/09