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The Art of Motion Picture Costume Design - FIDM

The Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising has exhibiting movie costumes every year since the early 1990's featuring the Academy Award nominee costumes.  FIDM fills the three rooms of their 10,000 square foot  Museum Galleries on the Park in down town Los Angeles with the best movie costumes of the previous year.  This exhibit runs from the end of January to mid April. 

Our Exhibit Index

bullet FIDM's official movie picture archive, 2000-present
bulletSmall but beautiful pics of the costumes
bulletAlley Cat Scratch  Information
bulletInfo for 2007 Exhibit (on this page)
bulletOur Review for 2006
bulletInfo for 2005 Exhibit
bulletReview and Images from 2004
bulletInfo for 2003 Exhibit
bullet Pictures
bulletReview for 2002 Exhibit
bulletPictures from The One Ring.Net

Basic FIDM Museum Information for 2006

bulletWhere: Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising (FIDM) - Museum Galleries on the Park
             919 South Grand Ave - 1st Level
             Los Angeles, CA 90015
             213-624-1200 x2221
bulletGallery information and map:
bulletJanuary 29 - April 5, 2007
bullet10:00a.m. - 4:00p.m
bulletOpen President's Weekend
bulletAdmission is Free! 
bulletParking is under the building.
bulletThe only way to get into the lot is on 9th street going east from the 110 freeway.  (Just passed Flower and Hope, on the right side.)
bulletNow-a-days this lot is often full.  There is some on the street parking, but be very careful of the posted sign for all the restrictions.  There are lots cattycorner from FIDM.

2007's Exhibition Showcase:

Once we get a list, we'll update...

Movie's Exhibited  Designers  

bulletNote: the garment district is right near by.  After you see the costumes, go on over to Maple and 9th and hit the fabric shops while details are fresh in your memory.
bulletPark on Maple just north of 9th... go up the ramp for our favorite parking spot.
bulletMore info from Alley Cat Scratch on the LA Garment District

We're talking about the exhibit over on the F-Costume Discussion List.  Come join us!  Also check when we have group visits planned.

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This page last updated 02/01/09


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