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Jo - United Kingdom


The costume was created from Simplicity 9887 - the brown wizard cloak and long tunic. The material was heavy black lineny cheesecloth type of material - the whole thing on is very heavy! The shawl/hood is a rectangular piece of fabric 60" wide and I think about 2 metres in length. I inserted a rectangular piece of stiff interfacing to make the hood stand properly and one edge of the fabric is attached to the collar and then folded over the interfacing in a reverse C. The rest of the fabric is draped across the shoulders.

The bottom of the cloak, the end of the sleeves and the edges of the shawl/hood are heavily distressed - I used an axe (!), a scissors, a wire brush and diluted bleach. The mask is another piece of the same fabric sewn into the inside of the hood and merely tucked into the neck of the tunic. The tunic was belted with an old black belt.

The boots were old leather boots which I had and I painted silver. The armoured pieces were cut out from floor tiles and riveted together with paper fasteners, and then painted silver. They were held onto the boots with wide elastic and the ends were stapled together with a heavy duty stapler (I also used this to attach the elastic) to give the pointed effect. The join between the boots and armoured pieces is not evident due to the length of the tunic. I had one problem with these - the pointed ends would catch in the carpet so they were difficult to walk in, but as Lawrence Makoare assured me this also happened to him - I guess it was authentic!

The gauntlets were gardening gloves painted black with fabric paint (dye didn't work due to the treatment the gloves had been through). The armoured pieces are cut from soft drinks cans using the patterns on the kabelfoon website. This was easier than I had expected. They were then attached to the gloves with glue, invisible plastic thread (holes punctured with a small screwdriver), and riveted with paper fasteners. They were then distressed for the final look with black paint rubbed on with a cloth in sparing quantities. The sleeves are held onto the top of the gloves with velcro. I was really happy with the way these turned out! Especially when they were admired by Lawrence Makoare and Sandro Kopp.

I'm afraid I'm not really built to be a ringwraith! I don't look quite bulky enough.

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This page was last updated 11/21/09